I continued to read Etchison's stories. In books, magazines, and anywhere else I could find them. I loved collections like Red Scream and The Blood Kiss. Then there was his groundbreaking Cutting Edge anthology.

I also got a huge kick out of Etchison's novelizations. He did work that was far superior to the norm with this sort of thing in his Halloween, Halloween 2, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, Videodrome, and The Fog books. His work was steeped in media awareness and passion for the movies permeated everything he did.

Now Dennis Etchison is gone. The manner of his demise is unimportant. What is crucial is his legacy as a writer, an editor, a scholar of the horror genre. He should be read by all with even the slightest interest in the field.

Goodbye, Dennis Etchison. We are poorer with him gone, but we are infinitely richer for having had him among us.
Written by Mark Sieber