Kyle Lybeck's Literary Lair
Philadelphia, along the Schuylkill River. Within are fish you wouldn't want to eat, swimming around in the disgusting polluted waters. In the darkness another creature now lurks. One built by experimentation, and shouldn't exist in nature. One that would eat the fish, others of its own kind, and anything breathing on land could its teeth sink into their flesh. While this last doesn't seem feasible, it quickly becomes so as the creatures find their way through plumbing pipes into homes, and on land from harsh rains. Nobody is safe and they will stop at nothing to get their next meal.

From the jacked-up minds of Adam Cesare and Cameron Pierce comes a fun and whacky creature feature within the city of Philly. While this short novella starts off a little slow, it quickly gains steam and brings in a cast of amusing and relatable characters. From there it just gets crazier and crazier with the creatures taking over, officials trying to figure out the best way to stop them, and those stuck in the middle trying to survive.

Overall I'd give this one a solid B, a nice and quick weekend read.

Written by Kyle Lybeck



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