Kyle Lybeck's Literary Lair
Our journey begins with Ansley Boone, a recently admitted addict to a rehab facility. She's finally trying to turn her life around for the better; for herself, for her family, one counseling session at a time. She's about to get a nice break though, as her younger sister's wedding is quickly approaching. Her hesitant mother comes to sign her out for the upcoming trip to a remote area where the wedding is to be held. The groom's family knows the area well, which only helps to what happens next. A blood curdling event begins at the reception that none of the Boone family could have ever imagined, one that will tear both families apart before they can be put back together, piece by bloody piece.

In this debut novel from Kenzie Jennings, comes an overall hard hitting and well-paced tale of wedding bliss, and unimaginable heartbreak. The first half before the big event occurs had me wondering if this really was a horror novel. Then I began to realize the subtleties I was reading that were occurring to the characters that lend to a horror that isn't in your face, but always in the background to remind us of their sordid pasts. Then when the shit hits the fan it really turns into a fast-paced horror novel, with even a few comedic quips thrown in for good measure. I will say this, I tend to not read descriptions of books because they can sometimes lead to spoilers, and I highly recommend not doing so with this book. Unfortunately the back cover gives away what the big event is that doesn't occur until over 100 pages in. I definitely recommend this novel, but caution to go into it blind. Kenzie's a new voice to horror and one I hope sticks around. Overall I'd give this an A and I'm putting Kenzie on my list of must-read authors going forward.

Written by Kyle Lybeck



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