When you go into a comedy movie, you don’t think to take it seriously, do you? You suspend your belief system, take it for what it is, and have a good time. The point of most comedy movies and TV shows is to entertain, and to make you laugh. Sometimes, books can be exactly like that. Some books aren’t meant to be taken too seriously. One of those books is Laughing at Shadows from Bad Dream Entertainment.

When the editor, Brett Reistroffer, put out a tweet asking if anyone would be interesting in receiving an advance copy of Laughing at Shadows, I was curious. The cover (by Stefan Koidl) immediately piqued my interest and well, when you say Jeff Strand, I’m in. I offered to read it and I received my copy a couple days later.

Jeff Strand was the only author in Laughing at Shadows I was familiar with. His story, Captain Pistachio’s Charming Rampage, did not disappoint, and is one of the best in the book. I think that title alone speaks for itself. I also really enjoyed the stories by Andrew Johnston, Skyler Goff, and C L Raven.

This anthology is intended to entertain. From a talking killer pistachio, to a hardcore vegan, to a very strict library system, and many more absurd story lines, these stories will have you laughing out loud (and at shadows, perhaps? Bad joke. Sorry.) and applauding the writers for such ridiculous ideas that can creep you out and make you giggle at the same time. Are these stories earth shattering? No. Are they the best stories I’ve ever read? No. But they’re fun. When you take the book for what it is, you should a great time with it. I felt that the stronger stories are toward the beginning of the book. Once I got past the first few, my excitement started to dwindle a bit. But overall, I had a good time and I definitely recommend giving it a go.

Laughing at Shadows will be available for purchase on March 2nd.

Written by Brittany Brosseau



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