After watching Episode 2 of The Stand, I continue to be convinced that this iteration of the King classic does not have the warmth or heart of the 1994 miniseries. For beter or worse, it isn't '94 anymore. It's a harder, more cynical, chaotic time. This is a Stand for a new generation.

I also still think it was a curious decision to go with the nonlinear storyline. It isn't working well for me, but this show wasn't made for me. Entertainment like this is usually aimed toward the young. The rapid changes and jumbled tone is suited to the video game audience.

In this episode we are introduced to Larry Underwood. He is played well enough by Jovan Adepo. We also meet Lloyd Henreid, who is unconvincingly played by Nat Wolff. Wolff seems too young and soft for the role. I liked him in Paper Towns, and I think he is much better suited to the kind of character he played in that movie. Admittedly Wolff has very large shoes to fill with the Henreid role. Miguel Ferrer was perfect in it.

Heather Graham is all right as Rita, but Amber Heard is as bland as a slice of Wonder Bread in the pivotal Nadine Cross role. The glimpse we got of Nick Andros isn't promising.

One of the most striking and memorable scenes in King's novel is the nightmarish trip through the Lincoln Tunnel. The filmmakers chose to up the ante and make it more horrifying. Especially to a claustrophobe like me. They upped the grossout factor here as well. There are other scenes that seem designed to induce nausea. Well, King has stated that he isn't too proud to go for the grossout, so I can't complain too much.

A lot of amazing work has gone into this production of The Stand. I only wish more effort had gone into character development.

I understand that Stephen King always had an idea for a postscript story to take place after the events of his novel. He has written it as the final episode for The Stand 2020/2021. That alone is enough to stick around for the end.

To be continued...

Written by Mark Sieber

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