Cavallaro's Cavalcade of Carnage
BEST OF THE MONTH: Wasps in the Ice Cream by Tim McGregor

I've got good new and bad news. Bad news first: This book is currently unavailable. Good news: Tim says the wheels are in motion and it may become available at some point. You are going to want to keep an eye out for this. It's not only the best book that I read this month, but probably the best coming-of-age book that I've read in quite some time.

WORST OF THE MONTH: Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi

I wonder if this is a case of a story losing some potency in translation. I had no problem with the plot; it's basically a modern re-telling of Frankenstein. Very unique. I just felt that there was a disconnect somewhere.

The rest:

Drawing Blood by Poppy Z Brite. Not my favorite from her, but not bad. Grade: C
The Golden by Lucius Shepard. It came highly recommended. Maybe it was overhyped. Grade: C
Lost Souls by Poppy Z Brite. One of her best. Grade: B
Shadow Service by Cavan Scott (graphic novel). Unmemorable. Grade: C
Transcendental Mutilation by Ryan Harding (collection). Mixed quality, and only for the hardcore. Grade: C
The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror by Joyce Carol Oates (collection). One of my faves from Oates. Grade: B
All Hail the House Gods by Andrew J Stone. Very weird, but fun in places. Grade: C
The Black Farm by Elias Witherow. One of the extreme horror staples, but I was underwhelmed. Grade: C
Black Ambrosia by Elizebeth Engstrom. Great vampire tale from the always-good Engstrom. Grade: B
Katie by Michael McDowell. After Cold Moon Over Babylon, this is my favorite from him. Grade: B
Nightblood by T Chris Martindale. Sometimes a Paperback From Hell selection is disappointing. This is one of those times. Grade: D
Dracula, Motherf*cker by Alex de Campi (graphic novel). Average story, slightly above average art. Grade: C
Near the Bone by Christina Henry. Decent survival story. Grade: C
Fiend by Peter Stenson. What if only junkies survived the zombie apocalypse? Good stuff. Grade: B
Alone With the Horrors by Ramsey Campbell. I know I'm a heathen, but I just can't get into his style. Grade: D
Hungry Ghosts by Anthony Bourdain (graphic novel). Unique, myth-based anthology. Grade: C

Reviews by Jason Cavallaro
Twitter: @pinheadspawn

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