Kyle Lybeck's Literary Lair
For a group of youngsters on a journey into the local woods to obtain samples for a lab project, it all seemed too easy. What could happen in the woods, where nothing has happened before? But that's where things can all go too wrong, all too quickly. The next thing they know, they meet mysterious creatures that are secretly keeping a close eye on Earth and are swept away to another galaxy, where a whole new host of problems envelops them. Can they do anything to help their newfound captors? Or will it be not only the end of them, but an entire otherworldly race?

In this just released new novel from Michaelbrent, he blurs the lines between a coming-of-age tale, a love story, a sci-fi adventure, with a dash of comedy, and a mild undertone of horrifying events, to create a decently fun read. While I still prefer the more horror-edged works that he produces, this one was still a good tale. At times a little slow and drawn out, with typical teenage colloquialisms, it was the break from the horror fare that I'm usually enveloped in that my brain needed. Overall I'd give this one a B, and thank Michaelbrent for an advanced copy to read and review.

Amazon link to purchase:,aps,180&sr=8-1

Written by Kyle Lybeck

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