Chad has written two good collections...and now he has written three good collections.
If you like his novellas, you will also like his short stories. Same idea: stripped down prose and elegantly simple premises that will nevertheless make homes in your mind. You may as well charge rent, because they will be there for a while.
My favorite story of the collection is "Culling the Pigs." Brilliant setup for a gut punch.
Other standouts:
"Predisposition and a Box of Crayons" Oof...
"Frankenstein Lipstick and Dripping with Tuna" Lol. It'll make sense, trust me.
"Better Than October" You will think it's one kind of story, then another kind of story. Then you think you may have been right the first time. And you're still not sure.
"Trash Baby Godfather" Chad, you're weird.
"Vigil" Lauded in the Afterword as Chad's favorite story of his. Again, simple premise, but thought-provoking.
This one drops on August 9th folks!
Grade: B
Review by Jason Cavallaro
Twitter: @pinheadspawn
If you like his novellas, you will also like his short stories. Same idea: stripped down prose and elegantly simple premises that will nevertheless make homes in your mind. You may as well charge rent, because they will be there for a while.
My favorite story of the collection is "Culling the Pigs." Brilliant setup for a gut punch.
Other standouts:
"Predisposition and a Box of Crayons" Oof...
"Frankenstein Lipstick and Dripping with Tuna" Lol. It'll make sense, trust me.
"Better Than October" You will think it's one kind of story, then another kind of story. Then you think you may have been right the first time. And you're still not sure.
"Trash Baby Godfather" Chad, you're weird.
"Vigil" Lauded in the Afterword as Chad's favorite story of his. Again, simple premise, but thought-provoking.
This one drops on August 9th folks!
Grade: B
Review by Jason Cavallaro
Twitter: @pinheadspawn
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