Horror is a broad genre that doesn't always focus on disturbing story elements. Visionaries of the field aren't always concerned with making readers sick, or even scaring them. Sometimes horror is about awe, about wonder, about possibilities. Rod Serling comes to mind. Stephen King's Elevation, Robert McCammon's Boy's Life, Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes are all excellent examples of magical horror.
Kevin Lucia is a burgeoning author who is walking in the footsteps of these fine gentlemen.
Lucia admittedly cites Charles L. Grant has a prime inspiration for his fiction. That alone earns big points with me.
The Night Road is a recent novella published by Cemetery Dance. It's a lovely trade paperback, with stunning Ben Baldwin artwork. As for the story...
Grace loves to run. She runs as a sport and she runs from trauma. The Night Road is a puzzle box that gradually unfolds, revealing dreadful secrets. Lucia isn't out to torture his readers with blood and violence. Grace is a strong character, and her story is rich in vivid atmosphere. It's also a potent tale of folklore, magic, and realms beyond our senses.
Kevin Lucia is a man on the way up in the horror field. He's a busy editor at Cemetery Dance, and he is cranking out his own fiction. I think his best days are ahead. He's developing his craft and doing so without the usual histrionics employed by young writers in the genre. He is finding his voice, and readers are listening.
Written by Mark Sieber
Kevin Lucia is a burgeoning author who is walking in the footsteps of these fine gentlemen.

Lucia admittedly cites Charles L. Grant has a prime inspiration for his fiction. That alone earns big points with me.
The Night Road is a recent novella published by Cemetery Dance. It's a lovely trade paperback, with stunning Ben Baldwin artwork. As for the story...
Grace loves to run. She runs as a sport and she runs from trauma. The Night Road is a puzzle box that gradually unfolds, revealing dreadful secrets. Lucia isn't out to torture his readers with blood and violence. Grace is a strong character, and her story is rich in vivid atmosphere. It's also a potent tale of folklore, magic, and realms beyond our senses.
Kevin Lucia is a man on the way up in the horror field. He's a busy editor at Cemetery Dance, and he is cranking out his own fiction. I think his best days are ahead. He's developing his craft and doing so without the usual histrionics employed by young writers in the genre. He is finding his voice, and readers are listening.
Written by Mark Sieber
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