Summer is here and with it comes thoughts of the seaside. But for freaks such as ourselves, that means horror movies.I’d bring up Jaws, but as much as I love that movie, it’s been talked about to death. What about Blood Beach?Obviously inspired by Spielberg’s blockbuster, Blood Beach attempts to take the gut-wrenching terror a [...]

Summer is here and with it comes thoughts of the seaside. But for freaks such as ourselves, that means horror movies.

I’d bring up Jaws, but as much as I love that movie, it’s been talked about to death. What about Blood Beach?

Obviously inspired by Spielberg’s blockbuster, Blood Beach attempts to take the gut-wrenching terror a step farther. Like out of the water and onto the beach itself. Note that I said, attempted. Blood Beach inspired more guffaws than screams or shivers from its viewers.
Still, I’d love to see Blood Beach again, after all these years. It deals with a monster that is able to travel through the sand and pull unsuspecting parties under and eat them. If it sounds stupid, that’s because it is. But I had a lot of fun watching it at the drive in back in 1981.

In fact, I was damned excited to see the marquee. It said Blood Beach Zombie and Mortuary. Mortuary sounded good, but Blood Beach Zombie??? That sounded insane to my tender ears. I excitedly told my friends, but what we didn’t know was that it was really a triple feature and Blood Beach and Zombie were altogether different movies!

My friends hated Blood Beach, but I liked it. It was goofy fun, with a really good jazzy score. And it didn’t hurt to see bikini-clad damsels in distress aplenty in it. Plus, it featured John Saxon, once again as a cop and Burt Young, who is always good in any movie he appears in.

Blood Beach had a VHS release, but to date there has been no DVD. Anchor Bay put out Dollman Vs. Demonic Toys and just about every other cinematic stinkbomb has been resurrected and brought back to digital life. Why the hell not Blood Beach?

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