Robert Freese's The Drive-In That Dripped Blood is (obviously) a story after my own heart. The plot is familiar, but like a beloved old slasher film, it's fun to return to.

A drive in theater that is on the verge of bankruptcy is showing vintage slasher films in a last-ditch attempt to stay afloat. Though attendance is sparce, the customers and staff are out, but unfortunately (or fortunately for those that love this kind of thing) a masked killer is also prowling about.

The Drive-In That Dripped Blood is a fun story, with an intriguing cast of characters, but I'd love to see Freese expand on this short story. More depth in the characters and perhaps some more insight into the history of the Galaxy Vue Drive In would have been welcome.

This has been the first piece of fiction that I've read by Robert Freese and I like his style. He is definitely a writer to keep an eye out for and I recommend that horror/exploitation lovers invest the ten bucks to get this chapbook. It is very well produced by Wasteland Press. And I love the way Freese signed it. This is a writer that is clearly fond of the subject matter.

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