Last night I watched the film, Lightning Bug. This is a film that should be seen by all horror fans. But few seem to have seen it. It's all about horror, but it shouldn't be placed in the horror section of the store.

What is Lightning Bug?
Lightning Bug is an Anchor Bay DVD that was written and directed by Robert Hall. Hall is a Hollywood FX man who has worked on dozens of low-medium budgeted projects. Lightning Bug is an autobiographical look at his youth in rural Alabama and the oppression that he went through. The extreme Bible Belt does not look kindly upon perceived Satanic worship. His mother (played by Hellraiser's Ashley Lawrence) is a trashy bimbo that marries a psychopathic, abusive blue collar worker. The fictional Hall is a likable, enthusiastic teenage horror fan who is desperate to break away from the confines of the constrictive small town. He meets an attractive soul mate who likes him, but that brings on even more difficulties into his life.
Lightning Bug is a coming of age story that will appeal to most fans, but I don't see it discussed very often. If at all. I think the title actually hurt the film's chances. What does it tell you? A film called Lightning could be anything. When you see the movie (and you should) you'll understand why it has that title, but potential viewers may be put off by it.
I also got a warm, nostalgic feeling at seeing vintage Fangoria magazines and posters on the kid's wall. As well as classic special effects books. It really took me back to a happy, simpler time of my life.
Lightning Bug is not a perfect film and I won't stand here and call it a classic or a masterpiece, but it is damned good. It's nice to see an indie production that looks so good, with all around superior performances. Thumbs up.

What is Lightning Bug?
Lightning Bug is an Anchor Bay DVD that was written and directed by Robert Hall. Hall is a Hollywood FX man who has worked on dozens of low-medium budgeted projects. Lightning Bug is an autobiographical look at his youth in rural Alabama and the oppression that he went through. The extreme Bible Belt does not look kindly upon perceived Satanic worship. His mother (played by Hellraiser's Ashley Lawrence) is a trashy bimbo that marries a psychopathic, abusive blue collar worker. The fictional Hall is a likable, enthusiastic teenage horror fan who is desperate to break away from the confines of the constrictive small town. He meets an attractive soul mate who likes him, but that brings on even more difficulties into his life.
Lightning Bug is a coming of age story that will appeal to most fans, but I don't see it discussed very often. If at all. I think the title actually hurt the film's chances. What does it tell you? A film called Lightning could be anything. When you see the movie (and you should) you'll understand why it has that title, but potential viewers may be put off by it.
I also got a warm, nostalgic feeling at seeing vintage Fangoria magazines and posters on the kid's wall. As well as classic special effects books. It really took me back to a happy, simpler time of my life.
Lightning Bug is not a perfect film and I won't stand here and call it a classic or a masterpiece, but it is damned good. It's nice to see an indie production that looks so good, with all around superior performances. Thumbs up.
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