
Creepshow 3 is a sequel in name only and it bears about as much resemblence to the former movies as a plastic soda bottle does to the Hope Diamond.

The George Romero/Stephen King original Creepshow is a certified classic and is justifiably revered by horror fans. The first sequel isn't anywhere near as good as the original, but its spirit is true. It's a game effort and is widely regarded with fondness. Creepshow 3...

Well, I can't call it the worst thing I've ever seen. Despite a terrible screenplay and bottom-of-the-barrel performances and the worst computer animation I've ever seen, Creepshow 3 is competently shot and the DVD looks pretty good. But these are paltry tidbits of praise. This production is lame, uninspired and insulting to both the good Creepshow name and to any discerning viewer that paid money to see it.

For the record, I didn't pay a thing to see Creepshow 3. I had a screener. Yet I still feel ripped off.

To say that the stories lack logic or cohesiveness is a massive understatement. No attempt at storytelling or originality is in evidence. I'd say that the plots of the stories have holes in them, but to even grace the scenarists (ha!) by using the term, plot, is too generous. This is hackwork of the lowest order.

Know thy enemy: Creepshow 3 is the brainchild of Ana Clavell and James Glenn Dudelson, who ripped Romero and his fans off before with the recent faux Day of the Dead: Contagion sequel.

Hey, I'm all for anyone getting out and taking a shot at making a movie. Even if the results are dismal, at least they are attempting to do something that is very difficult. But! I cannot help but imagine that acquiring the Creepshow name must have cost a tidy sum. Money that could have been used to hire a writer. Off the top of my head I can think of a couple of dozen good writers that would gladly work for a reasonable rate. Writers that could turn out a far superior product in their sleep than what resulted in Creepshow 3.

Money that also could have been used to hire professional actors.

The bottom line: Do not buy Creepshow 3. Do not rent it. Do not put it on your Netflix queue. Do not watch it for free. Do not give these jackals one cent of your money or one second of your time. Prove that horror fans are not that easily deceived and that cinematic dogshit like Creepshow 3 should die a miserable, painful death.

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