Sheri White's Dark Domain
A serial killer is loose in Atlanta in 1911. He preys on bi-racial women, mutilating them while they’re alive, and raping them after they’re dead. Robert Jackson owns a barber shop in the neighborhood, and is asked by police to help them find the killer. Other African-Americans in the neighborhood are recruited as well.

Robert takes his role very seriously, questioning everybody and keeping an eye out for anything or anyone suspicious. But what he discovers will shake him to his very core.

One hundred years later, Carmen Mendoza is a reporter investing a new series of killings. She discovers a link that sets her to researching the 1911 murders. She interviews a prisoner who has been convicted of murder, and he tells her about the curse and the ‘fury.” The fury is something that lives inside the killer, making him kill to satisfy his urges. And it sounds like the fury has come back to Atlanta.

Both Gonzales and White are amazing writers, so a collaboration between the two was a great idea. The Killings is extreme horror; rape, mutilation, and prejudice are just a few elements that are offensive to those who don’t read such a genre. It’s a great story that will keep you riveted.

However - I was disappointed with the ending. You don’t want the reveal to be obvious, but the identity of the killer in 2011 came completely out of nowhere. I also didn’t like what happened to Carmen; it reminded me of the ending of Hannibal, which I didn’t care for.

But all-in-all, The Killings is a book worth reading; it seemed a lot of research went into life in 1911. I could see everything in my mind as it would’ve been. If you’re a fan of either author, or both authors, you’ll want this for your bookshelf.

Review by Sheri White

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