The two cover variants/editions.


Publisher: Cemetery Dance Publications
Publication Date: Early 2013, Pre-orders available online

“With the possible exception of Twi-hards, there are no more obsessive fans than horror fans,” frequent Stephen King film adaptor/director Mick Garris states in the introduction. “And the King fans are a possessive and vociferous lot.” (Yes they are—this reviewer still hates a good chunk of the adaptions in this book!) However, there's no denying many good films have been born out of King's imagination; from Carrie (1976) to Bag of Bones (2011), they're all here. Yes, even The Lawnmower Man and Sometimes They Come Back....2. Also included are bonus chapters on the Children of the Corn sequels, Stephen King the Actor, King Redux (movie sequels) and Dollar Babies (short films based on King stories wherin the rights sell for a buck). The book features over 1,000 questions and is filled with some great (50+) pieces of Glenn Chadbourne artwork, all of which are worth the price alone. Glenn has really grown as an artist which each subsequent Cemetery Dance book he works on; check out the artwork for Dreamcatcher for some alien goodness, or The Mist's piece to see his take on an ending creature. It's all organized very neatly too, the pages aren't crammed with questions, the font is just right and the layout is pleasing to the eye. There's very little substance here, but it's all stylized very nice. King (or horror movie) fans looking to kill some time should enjoy the book's many offerings, but it should be noted that many of the questions are tough--many aren't the kind that immedietely just jump into memory. Included below are some sample questions of varying difficulty:

What is Carrie's special power?

a) flight
b) mind-reading
c) telekinesis
d) teleportation

Which actor, who had only one prior screen appearance to his credit, played the role of Jordy Verrill?

a) Stephen King
b) Leslie Nelson
c) Ted Danson
d) Ed Harris

What canned food does Mrs. Reppler hurl at Mrs. Carmody's head?

a) Peas
b) Corn
c) Pineapples
d) Mushrooms

"Battleground" is a story which bears resemblance to Richard Matheson's story "Prey", whose adaption appeared in a previous [televised] anthology, Trilogy of Terror. Matheson's son, Richard Christian Matheson, wrote the screenplay for "Battleground", and, perhaps as a way of recognizing the connection between the elder Matheson's and King's tales, this object appears both in the adaptions of "Prey" and "Battleground":

a) A cane
b) A Zuni Fetish doll
c) Parachuting toy soldiers
d) A stuffed alligator

This reviewer got three out of four right, how did you do?

Correct answers: c, a, a, b


NOTE: You can buy a Lettered Edition of the book from Cemetery Dance Publications that includes one of the original Chadbourne pieces, if you're into cool stuff like that.

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