
I gotta give this one a big thumbs down.

For a film of this type, such as Animal House, Meatballs or Summer School, I think it's essential for the viewer to like the protagonists. That he or she would wish to be a part of the group. In the case of Ski School, I wouldn't care to be associated with those guys. Any of the people in it, in fact. I thought that they were all idiots.

Nothing in it worked for me: wince-inducing attempts at wit, un-likable people, Godawful music and rotten delivery of terrible dialogue from the cast.

Oh, some of the skiing footage was beautiful, but I kept wondering how it related to the morons that were depicted in the movie.

And despite some surgically-enhanced bare breast footage, I can't recommend Ski School to anyone.

Dean Cameron, Dean Cameron. The man is a legend, an icon, a God for his role as Chainsaw, in Summer School. Bad Dreams was a low attempt to cash in on the then-lucrative Freddy Krueger phenomena, and it wasn't a very good movie. But I liked Dean Cameron in it. I wish I could say the same for Ski School. God help us, someone liked it, because a sequel was produced and released.

And to add insult to injury, the DVD box of Ski School proclaims it to be in 1:85:1 Widescreen, the first thing that emblazes the screen is that dreaded "This film has been altered from its original format to fit your screen", and it is in Fullscreen. Still, missing any parts of Ski School cannot be anything but a good thing.

Watch Summer School again if you care to see a genuinely funny movie that is filled with characters that have charm and personality.

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