I wonder how many horror fiction fans even know who Edward Bryant is these days?

If he is remembered by some, it might be for his story, A Sad Last Dance at the Diner of the Damned, whcih is one of the most memorable piece in Skipp and Spector's Book of the Dead.

Bryant wrote SF in the 70's. Mostly short fiction, and it was in collections like Among the Dead and Particle Theory.

He wrote other good short works, and he appeared in groundbreaking anthologies like Dark Forces; Again, Dangerous Visions; Cutting Edge; Silver Scream.

Edward Bryant collaborated with Harlan Ellison on a novel called Phoenix Without Ashes.

Me, I will always revere Ed for his wonderful book reviews in Twilight Zone Magazine. He took the place of Thomas M. Disch, which was such a relief. Disch was a gifted writer, but his reviews had a nasty edge to them.

I'm certain I would have discovered the writers anyway, but Bryant's insightful reviews pointed me toward so many favorites at a crucial time for me as a reader.

I considered Bryant to be a reviewer and not so much of a critic. There is a marked difference in the two.

I had hoped that Edward Bryant would have a more prolific career, but it didn't work out that way. A big part of it was due to health problems.

I won't go into details of his health challenges, but suffice to say that it has been a rough road for the guy. And we all know that writers tend to not have insurance.

The Friends of Ed Bryant gratefully accept donations, and if you are so inclined, you can do so through Paypal. Details are available at their website.

Hey, I get it. It's hard for even the best of us to give money away with nothing but good karma in return. So now you can purchase books, in print or electronic format, by Ed. Every penny that can be possibly spared from the sales will go to help Edward Bryant.

His books are available from ReAnimus Press. I urge everyone to consider picking up something.

For horror fans I would perhaps suggest Trilobyte, which has an Introduction by Tim Powers. Or maybe Fetish. Darker Passions would be good, too, and it has an Intro from Dan Simmons. If SF is your game, Among the Dead would be a good choice.

Actually, anything would be good. Edward Bryant is a remarkable writer.

Everyone talks about trying out and supporting new writers. I wholeheartedly agree with that. But I also advocate trying older ones. Especially, as in this case, where the funds will go to help a guy who always was an important figure in the field.

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