Most of us love Thanksgiving. Roast turkey on the table, Wild Turkey in the glass. Plenty of relatives to fight with, and a loud, obnoxious sports event on the TV.

Some of us, the true turkey lovers, held Thanksgiving dear to our hearts for the annual Turkey Day Celebration from Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I love Rifftrax, but nothing can take the place of Joel or Mike up in the Satellite of Love, cutting up while watching really bad movies. I watched the show whenever I could catch it, and Thanksgiving was the best day for it.

Those days are gone, and the Best Brains gang have dispersed, but we can relive them. The great folks at Shout! Factory are doing more than their parts to keep physical media alive, and they are releasing a Turkey Day MST3K box set. Unfortunately for those of us struggling to pay our bills and to keep health insurance, the sets put out by Shout! are pretty expensive.

But wait! There is good news here in 2014. Lord knows we all need it, right?

Various websites will be streaming a Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day extravaganza this year. It will be older episodes of the show, but Joel Hodgson will be providing new introductory material for them.

So have a Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy your turkey.

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