Kyle Lybeck's Literary Lair
You think you can trust your family, but can you really? You think you can trust friends and coworkers you've known for years, only to find out their dark side. For Sidney, finding out these dark secrets come front and center when betrayal sets in. On top of that, he is being followed. By who, or what, he doesn't know. A van seems to be showing up wherever he is. Shadows seen out of the corners of his eyes can't be discerned as real or his imagination. That is until one day, he finds out what has been stalking him, but even then he doesn't want to believe the truth, it seems so far fetched as to be a falsehood. Is it good or evil, friend or foe? Nobody can really tell until it's too late. Heaven and Hell have been broken open, and time is running out before all of humanity could be lost. The only problem is, there are a few roadblocks in Sidney's way, ones that could lead him astray, even in the most trying of times.

This first novel from Wesley Southard packs a punch throughout. Fighting for friends and family is not an uncommon theme, but one that Wesley reinvents to keep us entertained and attached to the characters. To really feel for them, and help us root for the right ones. At least, what we think are the right ones. A few places within are a little slow to get through, maybe a little overdone, but not to the point where I became bored or lost interest by any means. Having already read Closing Costs and One For The Road, it's fun to go back to his early work and see where he started, where he is now, and where I can see him going in the future. It's a good path he's going on, one that I'm happy to follow for a long time to come. Overall I'd give this a B, and thoroughly hope others join in on following his work.



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