Kyle Lybeck's Literary Lair
In 1955, Mary is now a teacher, having grown up in age but not having been able to grow out of her horrific past. Flashbacks still cause her great emotional pain, crippling her even in a classroom full of her students. In 1935 she was forced to live with her Aunt Charlotte. A woman with a torturous nature, a controlling mentality, and a fanaticism ideal that the end times are near. All Mary wants is to be a young woman, maybe go on a date with Jonathon Kendall. What she is forced into is a nightmare nobody else can see, but one that will scar Mary well into 1955 and beyond. A soul crushing childhood that she can't escape, no matter how hard she wishes she could try, with nobody to help her.

This is not the first time I've read Joe Zito's work, and it definitely won't be the last. What I truly enjoy about Joe's writing is he isn't afraid to dabble in different eras and really bring to light a time and place many of us have forgotten about. On the other side, he really brings forth his characters in a way that grab the reader, making us involved and care for their wellbeing. I very much enjoyed this novella and would give it a B+, and would encourage others to check out this work.

Written by Kyle Lybeck



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