Kyle Lybeck's Literary Lair
Before I begin, I want to let everyone know this review is for a sequel to the novel Burning Sky. To get caught up, please visit my review for the first novel here:,-by-Weston-Ochse.html

The soldiers have escaped the clutches of Afghanistan and now we pick them up six months later in Los Angeles. The members that are left of the Tactical Support Team are trying to adjust back to their previous lives, away from the gunfire and roadside bombs. Boy Scout quickly finds though that he cannot just come back to the real world any way he pleases. He has multiple things inside him, entities that want to take control, entities that want much more than to just hang out in his flesh suit. Lore is trying to do her best to bring out those entities and free Boy Scout from their clutches, but only time will tell if that can truly happen. The team members now must face dervishes, the astral plane, and the real world in their fight to take back control, and once and for all rid the Earth of the evils that have followed them home.

In Dead Sky, the follow up military thriller to Burning Sky, Weston has really brought a crazy whirlwind onto the page. The characters have an edge to them this time around that really presents itself, and finds us rooting for them even harder to conquer their enemies. At times it can be a little hard to follow with the back and forth between the true world and the astral plane, and the entities trying to take hold, I must admit. Overall though, I enjoyed this novel and read it fairly quickly, and would give it a B+. I would like to thank Weston for allowing me an advanced copy to read and review.

Written by Kyle Lybeck



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