Cavallaro's Cavalcade of Carnage I never thought Grady Hendrix would write a better novel than 2016's My Best Friend's Exorcism.

It's only 4 years later and I've already been proven wrong.

Despite the fun title, this book has several genuinely shocking scenes, plays with a few societal themes, and has lots of genuine heart. Don't be deceived: This is more FRIGHT NIGHT, and less Christopher Moore. In fact, take FRIGHT NIGHT, make it darker themed, replace the kids with book club women, add more family drama, and add gore. You know that I think about it, it's actually better than FRIGHT NIGHT (gasp!). I just want to give you an idea of what to expect without giving away plot points. Nevertheless, this will give you a ballpark estimate of what Hendrix has accomplished here.

Prediction: This is the book that takes Hendrix from beloved indie horror writer to horror super-stardom.

Now you just have to wait until April to read it (humble brag)

Grade: A

Review by Jason Cavallaro



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