I hear a lot of praise for a lot of books and authors. Big name thrillers get excessive blurbage and I do not always agree with the acclaim. I'm assured of the brilliance of indie writers, and all-too-often I am let down. Every once in a while I happen upon someone whose books really knock my socks off. Don Winslow is such a writer.

One thing I admire about Stephen King is how he has not lost his passion and enthusiasm for reading. I saw his praise for Winslow's The Force, and I took a shot on it.

I loved The Force. I can honestly say it is one of the best books I have ever read. For some reason I put off reading anything else by Don Winslow. I am pretty sure I'll love the Power of the Dog series, but I have been procrastinating about starting it. When I saw that Winslow had a new book of novellas coming, I preordered it.

I almost wish I had not read Broken. Oh, I loved the book, but I gradually realized that some of the characters have appeared in previous Winslow stories. I am sure my reading experience would have been greater if I had read his earlier books.

Don Winslow's fiction seems to be ripped right out of the headlines, and he is unafraid to tackle the big issues. Far too many people seem to see politics and current events in black and white terms, but Winslow examines situations from all sides. If you are one of the few left with an open mind, he just might make you re-evaluate your convictions.

From the murder-torture of a cop to the horrors of border detainment camps, Don Winslow examines today's controversial issues, yet the stories never lag. He knows readers want to be entertained above all else, and his work does that. Having important things to contemplate after is icing on the cake.

Six stories. Desperate people, driven people, decent people. Winslow finds dignity is unexpected places, and sympathy for people that may surprise you.

I'm no expert on crime fiction, but I've read my share. I am damned tempted to call Don Winslow the best in the business at this point. I won't wait long to dive back into his world. The Dawn Patrol, a novel dealing with crime and surfing, is high up in my queue.

Written by Mark Sieber



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