I read Don Winslow's The Force back in 2017 and I thought it was fantastic. It remains one of the best books I've ever read. Since then I read his collection, Broken, which I also loved.

This week I read Winslow's The Dawn Patrol. It almost seems impossible that the same writer of The Force, a brutal and heartwrenching novel of big city police corruption, wrote this beautifully wistful novel of surf and private detection.

Surfing and private eye fiction? Sound pretty gimmicky, I know. I was a bit hesitant. But the main character of The Dawn Patrol is featured in one of my favorite stories in Broken, so I took a chance.

I didn't think it would be possible for me to like The Dawn Patrol more than The Force, but you know what? I think I do.

The Dawn Patrol features a surfer dude who's also a part time private dick named Boone Daniels. Boone is a member of an informal group called the Dawn Patrol. The Dawn Patrol consists of wonderfully eccentric characters who meet to surf the Pacific waves each morning. You have Hang Twelve, High Tide, Sunny Day, Johnny Banzai, and Dave the Love God.

One of the great things about The Dawn Patrol is how Winslow uses surfer lingo and lovingly describes the beachscapes and the lifestyle, but it never feels elitist. He makes the reader feel as though they are part of the scene.

A large wave is coming. Possibly the biggest Boone and his friends have ever seen. With it will come irrevocable change and possibly permanent endings.

Boone's preparations for the big day are interrupted by work. An insurance scam turns into a murder case, and things even worse than murder.

Boone Daniels is a terrific character. Seedy in appearance, yet with hidden depths, he prefers the waves to working, and would rather grill fish for tacos than pursue financial security.

Winslow provides background into surfer language and life, as well as the paradise of SoCal and its history. The writing is cool and beautiful as watching the surf break from the beach. I've never surfed in my life and I don't much like the hot sandy beach, but that did not stop me from absolutely loving The Dawn Patrol.

Isn't it wonderful to discover a new author and know that you have numerous books to catch up with? Don Winslow has quickly risen to become one of my very, very favorites.

Written by Mark Sieber



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