Kyle Lybeck's Literary Lair
All the punks wanted was to play their show. Rowdy crowds and crazy fans afterwards weren't out of the ordinary, but the night took a far different turn than they expected. Some began showing a different type of crazy, not one of normal fandom, but one of pure lust.

Sidestep to a laboratory where experiments have unlocked something none expected. A creation of pure sexual deviancy, spread to others through the craziest and roughest of carnal desires.

Is there any way to stop the spread before it's too late? Or will everyone fall to their insatiable desires, no matter who crosses their path?

First and foremost, this book is pretty crazy and pretty raunchy, to say the least. I have read a few books from Robert before, but not Jack. These two teaming up though, seems to be one helluva nutty combination. Characters come at you fast and furious, along with the two storylines of a punk show and the secret lab. At times it can be a little too much over-the-top on the sexual descriptions and actions, but I guess that's the whole point, right? It's a quick read page wise and the pacing also keeps you going, even through all the insanity that occurs. Overall I'd give this one a B.

Amazon link is here.

Written by Kyle Lybeck



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