Kyle Lybeck's Literary Lair
Jake is a well-known figure in the Hollywood reality television arena, having many popular shows under his belt. When his mother becomes ill with dementia back in Vermont, he quickly packs up and heads her direction to help her and manage for her wellbeing. He finds a rest home in which he hopes she will be taken care of with the highest appreciation. Not long after she moves into the home though, she begins to see a boy. A boy that shouldn't be there, a boy that is bleeding from his mouth, and only she can see him. After further digging into the history of the Glastenbury Mountain Rest Home, Jake finds himself wrapped up in a small-town disaster he didn't know existed, but one that could possibly be a new hit for him.

In this novella length work from Ambrose Stolliker, I found the writing to flow well throughout and the characters to be relatable and not overdone. At times it felt like I had read (or seen on TV shows) bits and pieces that bore similarities to what is presented here, but it was still a good read throughout that I enjoyed, and with an ending that worked. Overall I'd give this one a B.



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