Cavallaro's Cavalcade of Carnage
2018 was a busy year for Chad Lutzke. Three novellas published in the same year: Stirring the Sheets, Skullface Boy, and Out Behind the Barn (co-written with John Boden). I'd recommend all three of these with no hesitation. Chad sent me ARC's of each of these, but I'd have gladly paid for each of them. (Don't tell him that though; I've got a good thing going here...)

And now...The Same Deep Water as You. This is Lutzke at his very best. He will punch you in your nostalgia-filled heart with this one. But then he will pick you up. Here is a tragic hero that Jack Ketchum would be proud of, thrown into a world reminiscent of Tim Hunter's film, River's Edge. Or maybe Larry Clark's film, Kids, plus hope? I don't know, but Chad has created something beautiful here.

And it will stay with you.

The Same Deep Water As You will be released in January 2019 from Static Age Books.

Grade: A

Review by Jason Cavallaro



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